Many homes are equipped with central HVAC systems at this point. Those systems provide relief from extreme temperatures and help keep indoor humidity levels within normal ranges. They can also have a major positive impact on indoor air quality under the right circumstances. Well-maintained systems that have been cared for by their owners also aid in keeping heating and cooling costs as low as possible.
Air Filters’ Roles in HVAC Maintenance
Part of the HVAC care and maintenance process involves keeping air filters changed. Using the right filters is also an important factor. That entails making sure the right sizes of filters are in place. For example, an HVAC system that’s designed for a 14x25x1-air-filter should only be equipped with that specific filter. One that’s too large won’t fit, and one that’s too small won’t do its job. Why is it important to use the right filters and change them regularly? Keep reading to learn more.
What Do Air Filters Do?
Air filters perform a couple of essential roles in homes. In general, air is drawn through them on its way to air conditioners and heaters. Unfortunately, air contains millions of particles other than those that are supposed to be there. Those include pollen, dirt, pet dander, dead human skin cells, and numerous other elements. Without a filter in place, those particles would enter the HVAC system where they’d settle on its components and in the ductwork running through the house.
When those particles build up inside an HVAC system, they can take a toll on it. Its parts will wear out much faster than they should, leading to extensive repair costs. That often means the heater and air conditioner will need to be replaced more often as well, bringing about even more expenses for homeowners. Those systems won’t work as well as they should, either. In turn, they’ll fail to keep a home comfortable or control humidity levels.
Additionally, air filters affect indoor air quality. Studies indicate that the air in most homes today is up to five times more polluted than outdoor air with those previously mentioned particles lurking everywhere. If there’s no filter to catch them, contaminants enter people’s lungs as well as their HVAC systems. High-capacity MERV 13 filters, like those available from Airzey, remove many of those particles. That includes viruses and bacteria. As a result, indoor air is cleaner and safer.
Why and When to Change Air Filters
Simply having a filter in place isn’t enough to save HVAC systems and people’s health. If those filters aren’t changed at regular intervals, they’ll become clogged. When that happens, they won’t effectively clean the air, and they’ll place added strain on the HVAC system. Most people should change their HVAC filters every 90 days. Those who have pets are advised to change their air filters every 60 days or even monthly.
Remembering to change those filters isn’t an easy feat. Many people intend to change their filters at the right times, but they forget. Some discover they can’t find the proper filter sizes when they do remember. Taking advantage of Airzey’s subscription service can help eliminate both of those problems.
Maintaining Indoor Comfort and Air Quality
Filters are essential components of HVAC systems. They help those systems to work properly and can keep them from wearing out too quickly. They can improve indoor air quality and keep heating and cooling costs manageable. Of course, those benefits depend on whether the filters are changed at the right times. Remember to change those filters, use the right replacements, and consider allowing a dedicated HVAC filter supplier like Airzey to help with the process.