When you don’t have enough cash in your account to complete your transaction and the bank caters for it, Wells Fargo bank issues you with an overdraft fee. The fees automatically apply to the majority of transactions. Whether by checks, debit card transactions, automatic bill payments, or ACH.
Knowing how long you have before an overdraft is charged can help you know when you have been wrongly charged with an overdraft. You have a day of grace period before Wells Fargo charges you an overdraft fee. You can make a fund transfer or deposit to cover any overage on the same day to escape the overdraft fee, provided you do so before the bank’s cut-off time. The cutoff time will vary according to the location.
If you think you’ve been charged illegal overdraft fees, you should talk to an attorney immediately. Here’s a closer look at the overdraft fee Wells Fargo.
When can Wells Fargo issue an overdraft fee?
Wells Fargo reviews accounts every weekday and processes between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm. You can avoid a fee by depositing within the same day your account is overdrawn. When an item is pending, you have until the next processing time as the cut-off time.
For instance, if an item is pending on Saturday, deposit before Monday’s cut-off time since that is the next processing day. The standard overdraft fee at Wells Fargo is $35, with a limit of three fee charges daily and a maximum of $105.
How To Avoid Wells Fargo Overdraft Fees
If your account already has overdraft fees, you do not always have to foot the price. You can always look for ways to avoid or reduce these charges, however, if you feel you were incorrectly charged, you can always seek the services of a financial services attorney.
Here are some ways you can avoid the overdraft fee Wells Fargo:
Making Timely Deposits
Even after an overdraft is applied, you can escape the fee associated by covering the required deposit before the cutoff time of the business day. Note that a check deposit may be processed on a different day because the bank may hold the amount for a while.
Wells Fargo displays the cutoff times of different locations. Most locations are cut off at 9.00 pm.
Contact Customer Support
If you are a loyal customer, you may get an overdraft fee Wells Fargo waived. Especially when the overdraft is a first-time occurrence, and you’re unsure why the overdraft fee was charged in the first place. Contact your bank for a detailed breakdown of the fee and how to avoid it in the future. Then, politely inquire whether they can waive the fee.
Use The Overdraft Rewind
Another way to avoid the overdraft fee at Wells Fargo is through the “overdraft rewind”, which gives your account a second chance. Overdraft rewinds is an automatic and free feature in accounts that receive a direct deposit.
Transfer the amount needed to cover the overdraft by 9:00 am the following day. The bank shall calculate your new balance, including the amount you transferred. The overdraft charge will be waived if the amount covers the overdraft from the previous day and any other pending debit.
Seek The Services Of An Attorney To Claim Undeserved Overdraft Charges
There are many ways to avoid an overdraft fee at Wells Fargo. Be sure to pay attention to cut-off times, request waivers, and use the overdraft rewind button. However, you have a right to claim excessive overdraft charges. If you feel you have a claim for undeserved overdraft charges, you can always seek the services of an attorney.