To work properly this filter needs to be cleaned. This process is called DPF regeneration. The regeneration process is based on the thermal treatment of the filter. DPF filter regeneration takes place when the temperature of the filter reaches a certain value. At this moment, the filter cleans itself. DPF filter regeneration is a cleaning process that is carried out by increasing the exhaust gas temperature above the DPF melting point.
The process of regeneration is carried out by a DPF cleaning cycle in which the regeneration is followed by regeneration heating. The regeneration cycle is carried out when the engine is running at high speed, on a low load, and with a small exhaust gas temperature. Must visit SuncentAuto, the best and most popular online automobile store that provides the best automobile accessories at affordable prices.
Sensors used for monitoring DPF status:
The DPF devices are usually fitted in modern diesel engines to meet emission standards. In order to meet the emission standards and to ensure the efficient functioning of the DPF devices, it is important to monitor the DPF status. The DPF devices can be monitored in different ways. DPFs are not present on all vehicles, but they are a vital part of diesel car emission control systems. The DPF consists of a honeycomb of metal tubes or channels in which the exhaust soot is collected. The DPF is essentially a filter that can be regenerated (scraped) or replaced. Regeneration is a process in which the collected soot is burned off and the metal tubes are cleaned. The need for DPF regeneration is usually indicated by a warning light.
How does the DPF regeneration System work?
In order to collect the fine particles, DPF contains a honeycomb structure with a high porosity, from which the gas flows through. The honeycomb structure is covered with a thin layer of diesel fuel, in which fine soot particles are absorbed. When the soot level reaches a certain maximum, the DPF needs a cleaning process called regeneration. It is a tube filled with tiny plates of ceramic, which can be made to swell by injecting diesel fuel into them so that they can trap soot when the exhaust gas passes through them. The soot collected in the DPF can be burned off by heating the DPF (thermal regeneration) or by injecting fuel into the DPF (chemical regeneration). The regeneration process can be controlled automatically or manually.