If you want to know if your current boyfriend or girlfriend is the one you are going to and indeed, you want to, spend the rest of your life and build a home and family with, then the best piece of advice would be to always follow, and listen to, your instincts.
However, aside from this, there are other hints and tips to help you on your way; so with that in mind, here is how to know if your boyfriend or girlfriend is definitely “the one” for you.
They Usually Put You Ahead of Their Friends
Now, it is entirely unrealistic, not to mention more than a little unfair, to expect your partner to always cancel plans with their friends at the last moment because you have decided you want to go out with them.
However, within the parameters of reason, if your partner usually tries to meet your desires and is willing to either say, arrive late to a social gathering with their friends or sometimes even reschedule it for another evening, this is a surefire way to show how dedicated they are to you and how important you are in their world.
They Are an Unselfish Lover
When it comes to matters of physical intimacy, it is true to say that for some couples, sex just isn’t an important concern, but for the vast majority of people, an active sex life is, in some way, important.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend is always encouraging and always entirely emotionally present during periods of intimacy, then this is an excellent sign, and moreover, if you want to encourage and improve your sex life, you could arrange a visit to My Amazing Fantasy in Salisbury, or check it out online, for ways to become even closer in the bedroom.
They Never Disregard Your Feelings
In a loving and healthy relationship that is likely to stand the test of time, even if you or your partner have an unrealistic and even irrational reaction to an event, be that simply an offhand comment from a colleague or a more serious issue, the other should be there to listen and to support.
If you feel as if your partner tends to disregard your feelings on a regular basis, this should indeed be a red flag and you could either help them to work on their levels of empathy, honesty, and general communication levels, or else think about if this is what you want in the long term.
They Make You Feel As if You Can Always Be Yourself
Finally and perhaps, most importantly of all, you could not possibly want to spend your life with a partner who makes you feel as if anything you say could be misconstrued and make you feel ashamed, embarrassed, or as if you wish you had not said it.
For your boyfriend or girlfriend to be someone who you can see yourself being with in the long term, you need to feel as if you can completely relax in their company (no matter the time of day) and that you can entirely be yourself.