Market Street Frisco is a vibrant shopping and entertainment district in the heart of Frisco, Texas. This historical landmark offers a variety of shopping, dining, and events for both locals and visitors alike. Whether you’re looking for a unique shopping experience or a fun night out, Market Street Frisco has something for everyone.
A Historical Landmark
Market Street Frisco is located in the original downtown area of Frisco, which was established in 1902. The area has been designated a historic district by the National Register of Historic Places. The area features 19th and early 20th century commercial buildings and homes, which have been preserved to ensure that the area retains its historical character.
Shopping and Dining
Market Street Frisco offers a variety of shopping and dining experiences. The area features a variety of unique boutiques and specialty shops, as well as larger retailers. There are also a variety of restaurants, ranging from casual cafes to upscale dining establishments.
Events and Attractions
Market Street Frisco is also home to a variety of events and attractions. The area hosts a variety of festivals and events throughout the year, including the Frisco Arts Festival, the Frisco Jazz Festival, and the Frisco Farmers Market. There are also a variety of attractions, such as the Frisco Heritage Museum, the Frisco Historic Park, and the Frisco Railroad Museum.
Getting There
Market Street Frisco is located just off of Main Street in Frisco, Texas. The area is easily accessible by car and is also serviced by the Frisco Transit Center. Visitors can also take advantage of the free trolley service, which runs throughout the area.
Market Street Frisco is a vibrant shopping and entertainment district in the heart of Frisco, Texas. With its rich history, unique shops and restaurants, and variety of events and attractions, Market Street Frisco is a great place to visit for both locals and visitors alike.