The iconic “Risky Business” dance scene has been ingrained in the minds of movie-goers since its release in 1983. Tom Cruise, who plays Joel Goodson, is seen dancing to Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll” in his underwear, sliding across the floor in his socks. This scene has become an iconic part of movie history and continues to be referenced in pop culture today.
Setting the Scene
The scene takes place in Joel’s parents’ living room. The camera pans out to show Joel in his underwear, dancing to the music. He’s surrounded by furniture, and the entire living room is dimly lit.
The scene begins with Joel standing in the center of the room, singing along to the music. He then moves to the sofa, where he starts to do a few dance moves before jumping on the couch.
He then moves to the coffee table, where he slides across it with his socks. He then moves back to the center of the room, where he does a few more dance moves before ending the scene.
The choreography for this scene is fairly simple. Most of the moves involve Joel swaying his hips and arms, as well as some basic footwork. He also does a few jumps and slides across the floor, which adds to the energy of the scene.
The scene also features a few more intricate moves, such as a spin and a slide across the coffee table. These moves add to the overall energy of the scene and make it even more memorable.
Music and Costumes
The song that plays during the scene is Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll”. This song has become an iconic part of the scene and is often referenced in pop culture today.
The costumes for the scene are also iconic. Joel wears only his underwear and socks, which adds to the comedic effect of the scene. This simple costume has become an iconic part of the movie and is often referenced in pop culture today.
Iconic Moment
The iconic moment of the scene is when Joel slides across the coffee table in his socks. This move has become an iconic part of the movie and is often referenced in pop culture today.
Another iconic moment is when Joel jumps on the couch. This move adds to the energy of the scene and is often referenced in pop culture today.
The third iconic moment is when Joel does a