“I’m so sorry,” we say. “I know exactly how you feel.” Whether it’s a friend who’s suffering or an acquaintance whose life is falling apart, we often find ourselves saying these words in an attempt to console others. But do we really understand what the other person feels? It turns out that the answer is yes—in some cases at least.
People with the capacity to feel sorrow, self-pity, misery, sadness and regret tend to have better relationships with others than those who don’t.
It’s easy to tell yourself that you shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself and that sadness is a negative emotion. But it’s not. In fact, if you have the capacity to feel sorrow, self-pity or misery, it can be a good thing. Sadness can help us connect with others and understand their feelings too.
When someone we care about is sad or hurting, we want to comfort them because it makes us feel connected and makes us love that person more deeply than before.
Those who are comfortable with these feelings are more likely to be able to recognize and react appropriately when a friend or loved one is upset.
Empathy is a skill that requires effort and practice, but those who are comfortable with these feelings are more likely to be able to recognize and react appropriately when a friend or loved one is upset. In fact, empathy is so important for relationships that researchers have found that people with good social skills have better romantic relationships than those who don’t.
To have empathy means being aware of other people’s feelings while also understanding where they’re coming from. It’s helpful when you’re considering what it might be like if you were in their situation—what emotions would you feel? What thoughts would go through your head? The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes can help you avoid making assumptions about why someone acted the way they did or saying something hurtful without realizing it.
People who have the ability to feel sorry for themselves tend to be more capable of expressing empathy for others.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s considered a sign of maturity, emotional intelligence, and empathy when you can feel what another person is feeling.
When someone shows sorrow for themselves or others, they are able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and imagine what it would be like to go through that same experience yourself. This makes them more capable of expressing empathy for others because they have first-hand knowledge about how it feels to go through something similar.
In other words, being sad helps you understand other people’s sadness.
As we’ve seen, sorrow can bring about empathy. In other words, being sad helps you understand other people’s sadness. You are more likely to be able to recognize and react appropriately when a friend or loved one is upset if you have been through the same thing yourself.
When you’re feeling low, you’re usually better at recognizing sadness in others because you’ve felt that way yourself.
When you’re feeling low, you’re usually better at recognizing sadness in others because you’ve felt that way yourself. You can put yourself in their shoes and understand their feelings. And empathy is the key to helping them feel better: if you empathize with people’s pain, it makes them feel validated, understood and cared for — especially when the pain comes from something as painful as a breakup or loss of a loved one.
It’s ok to feel bad once in a while because it helps remind us of how life can be hard sometimes.
It’s ok to feel bad once in a while because it helps remind us of how life can be hard sometimes.
>When you’re going through a rough time, it’s easy to get caught up in your own headspace and forget that other people have feelings too. You might think, “Why do I have to suffer like this?” or “I thought I was doing so well!” But feeling down isn’t something you should be ashamed of—it’s just another part of being human.
So, next time you feel like a loser for feeling sorry for yourself, don’t. That’s what empathy is all about — recognizing another person’s pain and responding appropriately.
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