Lipo 360 is thorough, unlike standard liposuction. Lipo 360 may target bulging and love handles across the whole waistline. One operation can treat the flanks or lower back.
Midsection fat is annoying. Belly fat prevents you from obtaining your ideal figure, whether you have love handles or a bloated tummy.
Permanently eliminate belly, side, and back fat with Lipo 360. Consider Lipo 360 to see whether it’s appropriate for you.
Traditional liposuction removes unwanted fat. Lipo 360 eliminates stubborn fat from the waist to restore your natural shape.
Cosmetic surgery is a popular fat-reduction technique for hourglass figures. Lipo 360 uses tumescent liposuction in 4 places to sculpt and contour the body. The stomach, sides, back, and waistline are targeted.
Lipo 360 Ingredients
Lipo 360 creates natural-looking outcomes by targeting the whole midsection. The doctor can eliminate resistant abdominal, lower back, flank, and waist fat.
Lipo 360 may give you a flatter stomach, more abdominal muscles, fewer love handles, a curvier, shapelier physique, and a smaller waistline.
Lipo 360: What Happens?
Lipo 360 is simple. Before, during, and after treatment:
Before Lipo:
Before fat removal surgery, you’ll discuss your goals with your cosmetic surgeon. Tell your doctor the body parts you want to target at the initial appointment.
If you qualify for Lipo 360, your doctor will schedule the operation.
On the day of the operation, wear loose, easy-to-remove clothes.
Before liposuction, your doctor will discuss pre-op testing, aftercare instructions, and last-minute queries.
Lipo 360 is usually done under local or sedative anesthesia. Tumescent liposuction doesn’t require general anesthesia, so you’ll be awake but pain-free. Incisions are made for Lipo 360. Next, the surgeon injects lidocaine, epinephrine, sodium bicarbonate, and saline into the wounds.
The solution numbs the liposuctioned regions to keep you safe and comfortable. The plastic surgeon will then use a cannula vacuum to remove excess abdominal fat.
The doctor will then sculpt your body by eliminating fat from your lower belly, upper abdomen, flanks, lower back, and love handles to produce natural-looking contours.
If you get a Brazilian Butt Lift along with Lipo 360, the fat cells will be removed, disinfected, and reinjected at this point.
After Lipo:
After liposuction, you’ll wear a compression garment. It reduces pain, swelling, and bruising and speeds recovery.
Before dismissing you, your doctor may monitor you briefly post-op. After surgery, you can’t drive even without general anesthesia. Instead, organize a transport home with a friend, family member, or vehicle service.
Your doctor will likely schedule a follow-up consultation to monitor your progress and recovery.
Lipo 360 Recovery Time?
You can return to work in 3-4 days following this liposuction. Most patients suffer for a few days. Lipo 360 causes swelling and bruising. Two days of rest are suggested after surgery. Over-the-counter pain medicines typically work. Don’t return to the gym until your surgeon clears you.
The little incisions will heal quickly. Lipo 360 causes quick physical modifications. Final findings take 1-2 months.
Lipo360’s Benefits
Choosing the appropriate liposuction might be difficult. Traditional lipo targets one region, however Lipo 360 is more comprehensive. Circumferential liposuction analyzes your profile and midsection shape. This technique helps sculpt and contour the body to give you your ideal form.