Another highly sought-after form of liposuction is known as liposuction with water assistance. In the same way that other liposuction methods do, water-assisted liposuction will eliminate the subcutaneous fat deposits to leave the patient with a smoother and more sculpted physique. In addition, it has been demonstrated that this particular liposuction is highly efficient in treating lipedema. This disorder results in an accumulation of fluid in the lower body. The new type of body contouring, water liposuction Chicago eliminates fat cells from selected body parts for the best possible outcomes in the shortest time required for recovery. The method isolates fat cells from the surrounding tissue to make removal of the fat simpler, especially in larger-volume regions. This is accomplished by the use of a controlled water spray.
The Procedure Behind Water-Assisted Liposuction
Although it is comparable to other lipo procedures, water-assisted liposuction is distinctive. This form of liposuction employs a pressured stream of saline solution to remove the fat deposits rather than a laser approach that uses laser energy to melt and dislodge fat cells. The laser method uses laser energy to melt and dislodge fat cells. Instead of damaging the cells, water jet liposuction releases the fat cells so they may be removed more delicately. It’s a safe method of liposuction, so there is no high risk involved in this type of surgery.
The Working Method
A tumescent fluid solution will be injected into the treatment region during a liposuction process supported by a water jet. This tumescent fluid, which contains saline in addition to medicine and a local anesthetic, has several advantages, including reducing bleeding and eliminating painful sensations.
After administering the local anesthetic as an injection and allowing it to take effect, a cannula will be placed into the affected region. While simultaneously sucking out fat cells, a saline solution is injected into the patient’s body simultaneously. After the fat has been extracted, any fluid that may still be present is drained.
Advantages Of Using Water In Liposuction Procedures
The whole process is mild and requires a small amount of cutting and stitching. Patients who undergo liposuction with water will feel very little swelling or bruising after the procedure. In addition, the recovery period is significantly reduced since there is less tissue stress caused by water use.
One of the other advantages of this sort of operation is that it does not call for general anesthesia, which lowers the risks associated with the patient and the total costs. In addition, because of the fluid management component of this sort of operation, the surgeon can have a more in-depth inspection of the region being treated during the whole process, which ultimately leads to excellent outcomes.
Another advantage of water-assisted liposuction is that in addition to removing undesired fat, it may also be used to restore volume to other body regions, such as the face, breasts, and hands. These are areas that often lose volume as a result of aging.