Horse betting at casino australia has become quite popular over recent years and now many horse racing fans from around the globe enjoy watching races through their smartphones or PCs.What are some common terms used when horse betting?
Across the Board.
This refers to a bet that covers all horses in a race at the same time, usually with odds of 1/4, meaning there is an equal chance of any horse winning.
Combination Wager.
A combination wager is one where you place two bets on different horses, for example, if you want to bet on both the first and second horses in a race.
Daily Double.
To bet on either the first or second horse in a race, but not on both, which means you can win twice your original stake.
When all the odds have been settled, you may bet on several horses to win, placing each in order (from first to last). Most commonly there will be 5-6 horses in the race but you could have 7-8 or even 10! If you choose your bets carefully, you may get an amazing casinolariviera casino payout – but only if all the horses run well and finish within the time limit.
A trifecta is a wager on three horses to win, place first two, second two or third. This type of bet is usually placed by bookmakers for any race that involves more than one horse. For example, if you want to bet on 3 horses to win a race then it would be called a “trifecta”.
Also known as quinuplexis, this is when 2 horses tie for 1st place. It can also be used for other placings such as 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.
Pick 6.
The pick 6 is when you wager on six horses to win, place each in order (from 1–6). In reality, the odds will vary depending on which horses are involved. But most often they will be set at between 15/8 (15 to 8) and 20/1 (20 to 1).
In conclusion, we hope this article helped answer what are some common terms used in horse betting.
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